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Teach My Child

Quick | Informal | Personal | Remote | Task-based | Pro bono



The public health concerns regarding the novel Coronavirus COVID-19 are having a significant impact on public life. One of many areas that are being hit particularly hard is the educational sector. Schools are closed. Children are staying home. When it comes to tutoring and home schooling, it is obvious that parents cannot be experts on all subject matters of their kids’ classes. But in the community, everybody is an expert on something.

On this platform, we aim to provide free, quick, uncomplicated, personal, interactive, and task-based remote tutoring sessions. We want to leverage the good intentions of volunteers in the community and connect them with parents and their children, who could benefit from impromptu tutoring help while school is out. That is why our approach aims to reduce complexity and is purely fueled by the spirit of the community to help out. Yes, there are various other reputable online tutoring services. And those are certainly a better solution to continuously guarantee substantial education in the long term. At TeachMyChild.info, we aim to provide quick support in the short term by removing bureaucratic obstacles: No sign in, no accounts, no payments, no commitment, no automation. All submissions and matches are being personally vetted, executed, and monitored by us. It is simply about matching a student and a voluntary tutor from any background on the basis of a single task in the simplest way possible. That means that there is no large commitment on either side. Citizens can offer and hold quick remote sessions on the fly to tutor on a particular task that they are knowledgeable about.

We aim to combine technology and community spirit to bridge the educational gap for school children and help out their parents, until a sustainable solution has been put in place.

Offer a Task for Teaching Request a Task for Learning

How it Works

Teach My Child Process

Task match between tutor and student

Teach My Child Process

Scheduling over email through Teach My Child

Teach My Child Process

Online session with tutor, student, and the Teach My Child team

All current tutoring tasks are available on the Board.

Motivated tutors can submit specific tasks that they are knowledgable about.

Parents can submit requests for tasks that they need tutoring help with.

All tasks are instantly reviewed and uploaded to the Board by the Teach My Child team.

Tutors and parents can browse the Board to find tasks that match their expertise or needs.

They can reach out directly from the task-card and submit a request to be connected with the respective tutor or student.

All requests are being reviewed and vetted manually by us.

The communication and scheduling between tutor and parent/student are being handled via teachmychild.info(a)gmail.com without disclosing either party's personal information.

The remote tutoring sessions will be held via Google Hangouts.

A Teach My Child volunteer will always be on the video call to ensure the session's authenticity and effectiveness.

Regarding contact form handling and analytics, have a look at our privacy policy.
If you have any additional questions or feedback, send us an email at teachmychild.info(a)gmail.com.

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