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Privacy Policy

Form Handling

The personal information that you enter in the contact forms on this site will never be stored or used for any other purpose than facilitating the functionality of this site. The form submission to our inbox is being handled by a service called Formspree, which handles the server side script for submissions. They are only using your personal information to operate the Service and deliver the services requested, i.e. transfer the information entered in the contact forms to our email inbox. You can find their full privacy policy here.


I am using a digital analytics solution called AT Internet to measure the usage of this site. It helps us find out, how many users visit this site, how they use it, and how they found out about it. This information is only used for analysis purposes to enable us to optimize the site's structure and content. In order to capture this analytics data, we are relying on the usage of first party cookies. These are text files that are locally stored on the user's device. For returning visits on the website they allow the identification of a computer system. You can refuse or delete cookies in your browser's preferences at any time. You can find further information on how ATI uses cookies here. For this analytics method, all data will be made anonymous during collection and analysed in aggregated form. Information collected includes ID-type information, such as cookie ID and IP address. After being collected, this data is used for real-time processing in order to generate a visitor ID (hashing is applied on source data) and to calculate geolocation information (which is never more granular than the city- or region-level, depending on the country). The raw data collected is never shown in our interfaces. On top of that, navigational data is collected, such as the type of browser used, the number of page views, the navigational path a visitor takes on the site, the amount of time spent on a page, or the entire site.
AT Internet is fully GDPR compliant. According to the GDPR, you have the right to access, rectify and erase your personal data collected within the framework of our audience measurement services. You also have the right to limit processing of your personal data, and the right to portability of your personal data collected within the framework of our audience measurement services. To exercise these rights, please contact us at teachmychild.info(a)gmail.com.

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